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Thursday, July 7, 2011

Could Your Acne Be Just a Hormone Imbalance?

If you find yourself breaking out just before and during your menstrual cycle then it's definitely hormonal related.  Most women are estrogen dominant and if you're one of the ones that suffer from endometriosis then you definitely have an over flow of estrogen flowing through your body.  This can cause adverse effects on the body from uterine to breast cancer, acne, bad PMS, fibroids, dry eyes, foggy thinking and much more.  Using an all natural progesterone cream can help enormously.  It's not just for menopausal women like most think.  Progesterone levels get lower and lower with age mostly starting after 35, however some can even have low progesterone in their 20's.

Using a progesterone cream can be applied on the chest, under arms, stomach or inner thighs and also vaginally. Some researches have said that it's better to apply it vaginally.  Once your hormones are balanced you'll feel better and look better and your acne flare ups will be nonexistent. You can also use the cream straight on the face where your problem break out area is.  There are many on the market, however you'll want to get one that does not contain dioxane (cancer causing) or parabens.  Synergeine progesterone cream seems to be a popular brand at my health food store but I'm sure there are others that are comparable.  Some also include herbs in their creams.

What an exciting find to finally rid yourself of those annoying hormonal breakouts.  Of course incorporating a healthy diet free of xenoestrogens and phytoestrogens will help immensely with your acne problems and PMS.  Xenoestrogens are found in certain fuels, plastics, pesticides and drugs such as:  All artificial scents, perfume,  air fresheners, styrofoam cups/containers, commercially raised meats, canned foods and yikes even cosmetics!!!  Phytoestrogens are naturally occurring estrogenic compounds found in foods, herbs and spices.  Some phytoestrogens would be soy, soybeans, soy milk, tofu, miso etc.  Kind of makes you wonder why the industry/docs push soy products and supplements on women with female issues it's the worst! Stay away from anything soy if you have female issues or even if you don't, because it can cause problems, especially anything cancerous you may have going on. I highly recommend you research out other foods that mess with your estrogen, like lima beans, black eyed peas, wheat, apples, eggs, milk, basically dairy in general.  Ever wonder why when you consume milk or cheese you get wicked breakouts especially around that time of month?  Because you've got additional hormones the farmers jack up the cows with floating around in your body along with your own heightened hormone levels which equals to pizza face!  Eat brussel sprouts, broccoli, cabbage, asparagus, mustard greens, pinto beans etc.  fiber helps to get that extra estrogen out of your system.  Also strengthening your liver will help because it filters out all the toxins in your body as well as the used hormones.  Think about a liver detox and taking Milk Thistle.

The dosage of progesterone cream should be followed by the directions and taking chaste tree (vitex) along with it wouldn't be a bad idea too.  Here's to clear skin and of course less bitchy bouts of PMS!

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